
Nos tout-petits is an association made up of about twenty volunteers, health professionals or parents bereaved by the death of a baby. They work on all aspects of perinatal bereavement. 

Website of nos tout-petits

The care network Sterrenkinderen is an online support platform around perinatal loss for bereaved parents.

Website of sterrenkinderen

Shanti Van Genechten is a midwife (UZ Leuven), author, and, together with Prof. Dr. Lode Godderis, founder of the organisation "Kinderwens ExpertiseNetwerk". In 2019 she also founded the care network "Sterrenkinderen", which represents the interests of families who lose a baby during pregnancy or at the time of birth. Because of her work at "Sterrenkinderen", parents and their loved ones have a point of contact where to direct their questions and where to exchange information and experiences with other bereaved parents. Her work has also contributed to the recognition of child loss and the grief that surrounds it, providing medical staff with information and tools to support parents in their journey.

Since January 2006, the multidisciplinary research laboratory, Savoirs, Textes, Langage (STL), has brought together linguists, philologists and philosophers around the question of meaning and its relationship to form.

Website of STL

Coventry University is a public research university in Coventry, England.

Website of Coventry University