Languaging Diversity International Conference


October 2021 – University of Lille

Languaging Diversity  is the itinerating conference of the I-Land Interuniversity Research Centre, an international independent and interdisciplinary center for advanced studies in Linguistics, Social Sciences and the Humanities with a focus on the key notions of identity and diversity, from a linguistic, cultural, and gender studies perspective, in and across cultures. The 7th edition of the Languaging Diversity conference (LD2021) focuses on the emotional challenges that result from the social innovations of the last two decades, and on the way such experiences are expressed in discourse.

Maarten Lemmens, Giuditta Caliendo, Océane Foubert and Lola Marinato presented a talk entitled "Neologisms and metaphors applied to societal issues". DOI: 10.48448/nctr-gw75